This resource will help you in setting up your own computer for use with our lab equipment.

General Instructions

  1. Set up IDE and module:

    1. Install Thonny IDE

    2. Follow Lab 1 procedure instructions to install engi1020 module in Thonny

      1. From Thonny → go to tools → open system shell → type pip install engi1020

  2. Connect Ardiuno to your computer via the USB cable provided with your kit

  3. Run following statements in Thonny shell and observe the output

    1. The module import statement: from engi1020.arduino.api import *

    2. Test one of the sensors: analog_read(0)

If you got the rotary readings, you are done! If not, check out the debugging tips below

Debugging Tips

  1. Check Device Manager to see if Arduino properly recognized

    1. Open Device Manager

    2. Check to see where CP2102N is located within your Device Manager listing

    3. If it is listed under other devices as below, you need to install the Arduino driver

    4. Download the archive file containing the Arduino driver here

    5. Unarchive the file (Extract all files)

    6. Follow these instructions for installing the driver

    7. Restart Thonny and try again!

  2. Select correct device

    1. Your computer may not be able to distinguish which device is the Arduino and ask for advice/input via the Python console

    2. Select the appropriate one (which is 2 in the image below)
