Some updates about the project/labs:

  • The proposal feedback is available. Please download the graded version to check the comments on all sections. For many of you, I’ve suggested to discuss additional features to be added to the project. We can explore these ideas further during our project sessions, or you can email me to arrange a meeting.

  • I will also have an office hour on Thursday from 11:00 to 12:00 at CSF-2111. Feel free to pass by and discuss the project feedback or any questions about the project/labs.

  • I also want to remind you that the rest of the lab slots will be project assistance sessions (except for the demo week). These sessions are designed to support your project development, where the TAs and I will be there for assistance whenever needed. Feel free to attend more than one session per week!

  • I updated all the labs (1-5) marks and the proposal on Gradescope and D2L. Please ensure that everything is up-to-date, especially for lab 5 and the proposal (since you were working in groups and only one submission is needed).