Some updates about assignment 1


You will now find a (partial) autograder in Gradescope. Not all of the tests are currently visible, but this should be enough to check your work as you also test your code yourself.


I saw a few folks yesterday in my office hour who were unclear on one detail: when the assignment page lists asking for prices after prompting for items, that means that your code needs to ask for all of the items first. After you’ve accepted all of the items, you can ask how much each one cost and then ask what items are taxable. For example:

Enter an item: Waffles
Enter an item: Eggs
Enter an item:
How much did 'Waffles' cost? 7.99
How much did 'Eggs' cost? 6.50
Enter a taxable item: Waffles
Enter a taxable item:
Waffles                 7.99 T
Eggs                    6.50
Subtotal               14.49
Taxes                   1.20
Total                  15.69


The name of the file you submit should be, not (as I originally wrote it). A couple of people have asked about this, and it’s an excellent question: I (and my autograders) expect precision of you, so it’s only fair for you to expect precision of me!