If you just want to write some quick Python to see what it does (an excellent habit to get into!), you might find an online interpreter to be helpful.

Online interpreters

You don’t have to install any software to use these interpreters: you just need a Web browser. Many will be referred to as a "REPL", which stands for "Read-Eval-Print loop". This just means that the software will read what you type, evaluate it and print the result; it will do that cycle ("loop") again and again.

Name Notes

Python Morsels

Great for a quick and easy REPL — doesn’t support files


Originally designed for C++, this site also supports Python.


Another site full of REPLs.


This site supports lots of languages, including Python.

If you’ve completed an assignment using one of these tools and are looking for something to copy and paste your code into (for submission to Gradescope) you may want to check out a text editor.