Some updates on the assignments…​

Normally I’d chat about this kind of thing in person during a lecture, but a lot of things aren’t going to plan this week. 🙂

Assignment 1

Overall, most students did well on assignment 1: the median grade was 16/18, which is quite good. However, there were a number of students who lost a lot of points to fairly trivial issues. For example, it seems that some students didn’t see the clarification I posted last week about the expected order of inputs. Three things are true in this situation:

  1. specifications are important, down to the smallest detail and

  2. I did post a clarification about this particular detail, yet

  3. I don’t want students to lose 80%+ of the assignment’s value due to a small misunderstanding.

So, I am prepared to accept resubmissions from students who made this kind of error / had this kind of misunderstanding with a late penalty. That penalty will be larger than the one I assigned for people who submitted a few hours late, but it will be less than the points you would have lost by misunderstanding the order of inputs, by including a trivial syntax error or by using int() instead of float(). If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity and submit by tomorrow at 6pm, please email me to let me know.

Assignment 2

We are clearly not running exactly according to our originally-planned schedule (he says on the, what, fourth snow day of the semester?). So, what we’ll do is that I’ll post an assignment soon for you to complete over the break and during the following week: it will be due when Assignment 3 was originally planned to be due. I’ll push all remaining assignments back by a week, and because that pushes the final assignment into the last two weeks of class (when we normally don’t have assignments), I’ll treat it as a bonus: I’ll use the best five out of six assignment grades for the semester.